Development and Planning
We offer a wide range of services on all matters concerned with planning, development and environmental issues that may surround a building project. Should optimising your school asset involve obtaining planning consent, we can advise and implement the entire process from master planning development options to winning planning permission.
Our services include:
- Liaising with local district/borough authorities including economic development, town planning, housing, community leisure and open space teams within the authority
- Liaising with Sport England and other Sports stakeholder groups regarding replacement sports facilities, community use of sports facilities and loss of playing fields
- Liaising with LEAs regarding their strategy for education and the rationale behind the changes, in support of proposals for disposal of surplus land in educational use
- Dealing with DCSF issues with regard to disposals including S77 / schedule 22 applications
- Liaising with local councillors at parish, district, county and national levels
- Consulting with key stakeholder groups local to the project and with other stakeholder groups, local residents, staff, pupils and governors (see section on Public Consultation)
- Developing site master plans along preferred option lines and testing master plan iterations against value
- Procuring, monitoring and overseeing specialists in respect of their input into the planning process and feeding emerging information into the site master plan and application strategies
- Drafting and submitting planning application documents (including a design and access statement, supporting statements, summary of supporting evidence, sustainability statement, application forms and certificates and notices) to the Local Planning Authority
- Monitoring and managing the application process
- In parallel with the application process, submit holding representations as part of the LDF process, if required